Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The word satisfaction in itself is a complete set of our world. If you are satisfied with your achievement then there is no scope for improvement for you. It is this word which makes you feel that you have done everything possible and now no need to work any harder. Have you ever wondered why Sachin Tendulkar is best batsman today also at the age of 37. This is because he is not satisfied.
The moment you are satisfied you loose your focus. I have seen people starting your day at 6:00 in morning and working till 12:00 in midnight. I always wondered what gave them so much energy to work. When I was child i wondered why some students are so excited to come to school everyday. I got answer now. These people love what they do. They are not satisfied with what they have. They have hunger and thirst for more. If at an age of 25 you are satisfied with what you have its not worth living in this world. If you are satisfied that means that you have achieved everything in your life and there is no need for more

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